Tag Archives: emergency

When an Emergency Strikes Disaster Survival Gear Saves Lives

When it comes to emergency preparedness, it’s easy to get lulled into a sense of complacency. It’s difficult to face the reality that disaster could strike close to home, even though we’ve witnessed the devastation that comes from disasters like Hurricane Katrina, the Asian tsunami, the tornado that flattened a Kansas town, and Read more
Category: Survival Skills

Stay Alive – Earthquake Emergency Preparation Tips

Earthquakes are among the most devastating natural disasters. What makes it more annihilating is the fact that there is no precise way of predicting when an earthquake may occur. The most effective tactic to minimize the effects of earthquakes in human lives is to make adequate earthquake emergency preparations. During an earthquake, you will feel Read more
Category: Being Prepared

Safe Drinking Water in an Emergency or Disaster

Nothing makes clearer the importance of water than a large disaster; clean, fresh water becomes more valuable than gold. It’s easy to forget that without water, we just can’t survive. 60 percent of our bodies are water, in fact for infants, water makes up about 80 percent of their body, so it is even more […] Read more
Category: Emergency Tips