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Stay Alive – Earthquake Emergency Preparation Tips

Earthquakes are among the most devastating natural disasters. What makes it more annihilating is the fact that there is no precise way of predicting when an earthquake may occur. The most effective tactic to minimize the effects of earthquakes in human lives is to make adequate earthquake emergency preparations. During an earthquake, you will feel Read more
Category: Being Prepared

Putting Together a Home Earthquake Kit

If you live in an area prone to seismic activity, it’s vitally important that you have an earthquake kit in your house or in your car so that you’ll have emergency supplies if you need them. Even if you don’t live in an area that is prone to earthquakes, you might want to create a […] Read more
Category: Being Prepared

How to Prepare a Bug Out Laptop Kit

Can you imagine being away from your computer for an extended period of time? No internet, no email, no funny jokes, no games to play? Many people have found themselves in this position when the unexpected happens. In the event of a natural disaster, terrorist event or a bird flu pandemic, having access to your […] Read more

Firearms For Protection And Hunting For Food

Being prepared to protect your family is a wise way to live your life. In ordinary situations, most people won’t ever have to deal with using a weapon to keep their loved ones safe. However, situations have been occurring where it’s vital to have the right weapon and know how to use it. The media […] Read more